(window.onload = function() {var mouseX;var mouseY;var cellXY = new Array( 40.5, 130.5, 40.5, 210.5, 80.5, 90.5, 80.5, 170.5, 80.5, 250.5, 120.5, 130.5, 120.5, 210.5, 160.5, 130.5, 160.5, 210.5, 200.5, 90.5, 200.5, 170.5, 200.5, 250.5, 240.5, 130.5, 240.5, 210.5, 280.5, 130.5, 280.5, 210.5, 320.5, 90.5, 320.5, 170.5, 320.5, 250.5, 360.5, 130.5, 360.5, 210.5);var bgc = '#AADD99';var flag = 0x7EEF4;var temp = new Array(0x0F9F74, 22.0, 0x0F9F78, -50.0/9.0, 0x0F8FF4, 23.0, 0x0F8FF8, -45.0/9.0, 0x0FAEF4, 25.0, 0x0FAEF8, -35.0/9.0, 0x07DF74, 32.0, 0x07DF78, 0.0/9.0, 0x07CFF4, 33.0, 0x07CFF8, 5.0/9.0, 0x07EEF4, 35.0, 0x07EEF8, 15.0/9.0, 0x12FBF4, 40.0, 0x12FBF8, 40.0/9.0, 0x12FEF4, 46.0, 0x12FEF8, 70.0/9.0, 0x12EFF4, 49.0, 0x12EFF8, 85.0/9.0, 0x175F74, 52.0, 0x175F78, 100.0/9.0, 0x174FF4, 53.0, 0x174FF8, 105.0/9.0, 0x176EF4, 55.0, 0x176EF8, 115.0/9.0, 0x1F65F4, 64.0, 0x1F65F8, 160.0/9.0, 0x04FFF4, 78.0, 0x04FFF8, 230.0/9.0, 0x1FC9F4, 87.0, 0x1FC9F8, 275.0/9.0, 0x17E5F4, 94.0, 0x17E5F8, 310.0/9.0);var t=12;var getCell=-1, putCell=-1;var count=0;function draw() { var canvas = document.getElementById('cvs'); if ( ! canvas || ! canvas.getContext ) return false; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); printCell(); function cellX(x, y) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x-35,y); ctx.lineTo(x-25,y-10); ctx.lineTo(x+25,y-10); ctx.lineTo(x+35,y); ctx.lineTo(x+25,y+10); ctx.lineTo(x-25,y+10); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } function cellY(x, y) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y-35); ctx.lineTo(x+10,y-25); ctx.lineTo(x+10,y+25); ctx.lineTo(x,y+35); ctx.lineTo(x-10,y+25); ctx.lineTo(x-10,y-25); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } function nearCell() { var z = Math.pow(mouseX-cellXY[0],2)+Math.pow(mouseY-cellXY[1],2); for (var j=0, i=1; i!=21; i++) { var z2 = Math.pow(mouseX-cellXY[i*2],2)+Math.pow(mouseY-cellXY[i*2+1],2); if ( Math.min(z2,z) == z2 ) { j = i; z = z2; } } ctx.beginPath(); if ( (Math.min(j%7,2) == 2)*(Math.max(j%7,4) == 4) ) cellX(cellXY[j*2],cellXY[j*2+1]); else cellY(cellXY[j*2],cellXY[j*2+1]); ctx.fill(); return j; } function printCell() { eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = \'#FFFFDD\''); ctx.fillRect(0,0,400,400); ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = bgc'); eval('ctx.strokeS'+'tyle = bgc'); ctx.lineWidth = 30.0; ctx.rect(25,30,350,250); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = \'#000000\''); eval('ctx.strokeS'+'tyle = \'#000000\''); ctx.lineWidth = 5.5; for (var i=0; i!=21; i++) { if ( Math.floor(flag/Math.pow(2,20-i))%2 == 1 ) { if ( (Math.min(i%7,2) == 2)*(Math.max(i%7,4) == 4) ) cellX(cellXY[i*2],cellXY[i*2+1]); else cellY(cellXY[i*2],cellXY[i*2+1]); } } ctx.lineWidth = 13.5; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(260.0,70.0,15.0,0,2*Math.PI, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.lineWidth = 1.0; eval('ctx.strokeS'+'tyle = \'#000000\''); for (var i=0; i!=11; i++) { if ( i%5 == 0 ) { ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(80.5+i*25.0)+0.5,335.5); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(80.5+i*25.0)+0.5,350.5); } else { ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(80.5+i*25.0)+0.5,340.5); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(80.5+i*25.0)+0.5,350.5); } ctx.stroke(); } for (var i=3; i!=23; i++) { if ( i%5 == 0 ) { ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(80.5+(i-3.2)*125.0/9.0)+0.5,350.5); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(80.5+(i-3.2)*125.0/9.0)+0.5,365.5); } else { ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(80.5+(i-3.2)*125.0/9.0)+0.5,350.5); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(80.5+(i-3.2)*125.0/9.0)+0.5,360.5); } ctx.stroke(); } for (var i=0; i!=temp.length/2; i++) { if ( flag == temp[2*i] ) { t = i; break; } } ctx.lineWidth = 1.2; for (var i=0; i!=count; i++) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(65.0+i*30.0,280.0,5.0,0,2*Math.PI,false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } eval('ctx.strokeS'+'tyle = \'#FFFFFF\''); eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = \'rgba(200,200,255,0.7)\''); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(50.0,350.0,10.0,1.0*Math.PI/6.0,11.0*Math.PI/6.0,false); ctx.lineTo(355.0,345.0); ctx.arc(355.0,350.0,5.0,3.0*Math.PI/2.0,Math.PI/2.0,false); ctx.lineTo(50.0+10.0*Math.sqrt(3.0),355.0); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = ctx.strokeStyle = \'#FF0000\''); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(50.0,350.0,6.0,0,2*Math.PI,false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 3.5; ctx.moveTo(50.0,350.0); ctx.lineTo(80.5+2.5*temp[2*t+1],350.0); ctx.stroke(); eval('ctx.strokeS'+'tyle = \'#000000\''); ctx.lineWidth = 5.5; } canvas.onmousemove = mouseMoveListner; function mouseMoveListner(e) { adjustXY(e); if ( getCell != -1 ) { printCell(); eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = bgc'); nearCell(); } } canvas.onmousedown = mouseDownListner; function mouseDownListner(e) { adjustXY(e); eval('ctx.fillS'+'tyle = bgc'); getCell = nearCell(); canvas.cursor = 'hand' } canvas.onmouseup = mouseUpListner; function mouseUpListner(e) { adjustXY(e); if ( getCell != -1 ) { putCell = nearCell(); if ( putCell != -1 ) { var g1 = 0x100000/Math.pow(2,getCell); var g2 = Math.floor(flag/Math.pow(2,20-getCell))%2; var p1 = 0x100000/Math.pow(2,putCell); var p2 = Math.floor(flag/Math.pow(2,20-putCell))%2; flag -= g1*g2; flag -= p1*p2; flag += g1*p2; flag += p1*g2; count ++; if ( count == 11 ) { count = 0; flag = 0x7EEF4; } printCell(); getCell = putCell = -1; } } } function adjustXY(e) { var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left; mouseY = e.clientY - rect.top; }}draw();})();
Set the lowest temperatures as possible in 3 times operations.
こんな感じでウェブリドル(web riddle)を沢山仕込んで、正解したら次のページに飛ぶようにする予定。
Set the lowest temperatures as possible in 3 times operations.
こんな感じでウェブリドル(web riddle)を沢山仕込んで、正解したら次のページに飛ぶようにする予定。